Procurement Management is one form of management, where goods and services are acquired from a different organization. In a simple form, it is the process of physically buying a product or service. Is there any special reason to use this form of management to acquire goods and services? Yes, Procurement management is known to help an organization to save money. Besides that, whatever the size of your company you must follow an effective procurement practice.
Procurement activity falls into two different categories. They are direct spend and indirect spend. Direct spend refers to the production-related procurement such as raw material, components and parts. Whereas indirect procurement refers to other acquisition. The following analysis through IT Asset Management will be helpful in the cost-effective procurement system.
Request analysis
The first step is to check, whether the purchase is necessary or not. Best Procurement management help to identify that here itself. If it is really required, you can go ahead. This helps to avoid duplicate purchases.
Supplier analysis
Best Procurement management gives instant access to all the supplier data. If you have two different suppliers for two different purchases, you can check where one supplier could do both and any offer for larger single order. It may financially helpful to your organization. It also helps to Extend the number of suppliers. Maintaining all the supplier detail in a paper-free environment initiate the cost-effective procurement.
Priority analysis
Combining product deliveries to reduce cost depending upon the priority, that is required for the effective procurement Management system. For example, If the first request has medium priority and the second one has high priority, then you can combine these two deliveries. Because the first one is not urgently needed.
Time is money
Saving costs often mean saving time. you can save time through the best procurement strategies because no need to visit multiple websites for the products and catalogues. Then the same time can probably used to strengthen the relationship with your suppliers and to develop innovative business ideas. For large companies, delivery time analysis will be effective. This can lead to several unnecessary iterations. As a result, spending more time to create value for the company can be accomplished.
If procurement is not handled efficiently, it can be difficult to forecast future spending. That’s why this is the right time to find out the perfect tool for your procurement management. Without any doubt, IT Asset Management is the apt tool why because it has all the best practice to save money includes the above-explained parameters as it is.
Other key features of IT Asset Management, which can save your money are
- Paper-free environment
- Proper approval process to eliminate gaps
- No need to waste time to search the invoice for warranty and AMC
- The process is always better – since not people dependent
- Less chance of corruption in procurement
- Better evaluation of Vendor
- Make sure the right product from the right person
- One point to store the data
Hence, IT asset management can increase the capability, improve service quality and simplify the entire procurement process in low operating cost.
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