Asset Life cycle Management is the process of optimizing the profit generated by assets throughout its life cycle. Clean up the unwanted assets.
One of the biggest and most celebrated festivals is New Year. New Year remarks goodwill and prosperity and this is the time for lights and decorations. Though there is different kind of celebrations, everyone is busy with cleaning their houses according to the religious belief ‘God resides in cleanliness’. But what about the workplace? Why can’t you take time to clean up the organization for this new year? Yes, this is the perfect time to clean up the office space now. Because New Year offers a chance to start fresh and to reinvent ourselves for the better prospects. In the meantime, it is not an easy task to remove all the unnecessary assets from the organization. Before you begin, IT Asset Management suggesting 5 smart ways to identify & remove the unnecessary assets.
Accurate Asset Information
Asset Life cycle Management: To identify which asset is unnecessary or unused (Clean up the unwanted assets), consider collecting the asset information. Depending on the business requirement assets need to group together in accordance with Location, Type, Category, Model and Status. Don’t miss to make sure the list of assets which contain other assets. For example, Accessories used along with the device seems like a single asset but it has two different pieces of asset information. Asset information should includes the details like Asset owner info (Who owns the asset), Purchase date, Warranty Date, Expiry date, Asset Status. You can get the report of assets with all these data with IT Asset Management in a single click.
Real-time Asset Monitoring
Real-time Asset monitoring, which tracks the movement of the asset helps in making informed decisions and increase productivity for any company. This makes sure the current asset condition. So that on time maintenance/replacement can be performed to improve the efficiency. Additionally, this real-time
asset monitoring of IT Asset Management also helps reducing compliance risks by increasing visibility and accurate data.
Best Asset Life cycle Management
Asset Life cycle Management is the process of optimizing the profit generated by assets throughout its life cycle. Better Asset Life cycle Management like IT Asset Management finds out all possible way to extend the life of an asset for its efficient use. The life cycle consists of several stages. All you need is the right approach.
Find out & Clean up the unwanted assets
Generally, asset status in Asset Life cycle Management will be required to group the assets together based on their condition, to cut down extra maintenance cost. By the use of these status labels, you can easily identify the unnecessary asset groups which do not need any care. There will be no benefit, if the unnecessary asset is being stored contiguously. Instead of just storing, clean up will give positive effects on the economy as well as in the environment. Yes, the unwanted assets can be recycled by reusing it or reselling for the clutter free environment. When you recycle these assets, there will be more space in your organization than ever before. Clean up the unwanted assets
Pick up the right software
Different metals have different values. Different businesses will offer a different price for these assets. So that you can make money for this new year. knowing what materials can be sold will make the entire process simple. You may get the best prices for these old assets when you come up to get a return for your unwanted assets.
IT Asset Management (ITM) is cloud-based software to track wide range of IT and Non-IT assets. The same will helps you in Asset tracking, Life cycle Management, Procurement Management, Service Ticket Management and License Management. Some of the unique features IT Asset Management are,
- Physical Asset Verification
- Bar code for Non-IT Asset
- Contract User Management
- Customized Trial
- Happy Meter
- Threshold Alert
Let the festival begin! Get ready to follow the best practice in this New year with IT Asset Management!
Also read, How IT Asset Management will help in saving money?