Technology Tips
Asset Management can save $1M Dollars, real case study by ITAM
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Why you should have IT Asset management? Many statements are bandied about the industry on how much you can save with Asset Management, for example: “Organizations can realize cost savings between 5% and 35% by implementing focused software asset management practices” Gartner Less common, are examples of organizations explaining how they actually went about it.
- Published in Guide and Tutorial, Quick Tips
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DDOS attack 2016ttfacai or DBsecurityspt
Saturday, 28 May 2016
Problem Statement: Hacked: OUTBOUND DDOS attack 2016ttfacai or DBsecurityspt SOLVED If you detected an outbound denial of service attack originating from your server and its impacted your website. If you discover that a process internal to your server is sending large amounts of malicious traffic towards other servers and your service provider applied network
- Published in Comingtime, Quick Tips, Technology Tips
How to manage assets for large organizations
Monday, 18 January 2016
How to manage assets for large organizations If you have decided to cut down the cost on assets purchased on different geographies or want to manage assets and licenses centrally to have better negotiations with vendors, here is the complete process you can manage effectively. Here are some facts The cost of hardware and software
- Published in IT Asset Management, Quick Tips